New digital presence for leading insurance group

Website relaunch and career portal

diva-e was responsible for the relaunch of the corporate website and a new career portal for the leading insurance group TALANX. In the joint project with the Talanx Group, diva-e covered the entire digital value chain: From development, SEO and Design to conception and UX to hosting and Application Management.


User-centered design

Ziel des gemeinsamen Projekts war es, Nutzergruppen wie Journalisten, Investoren, Analysten sowie Bewerbern auf der Website personalisierten Content zu bieten. Da die Talanx Gruppe seit jeher ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die Bedürfnisse der Kunden legt, war User-Centered-Design ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Relaunch.


Einsatz eines Headless CMS

Die diva-e Experten realisierten sowohl das Karriereportal, als auch die Corporate Website mit dem Technologie-Partner Crownpeak. Um großmögliche Flexibilität und Integrationen von Drittsystemen zu gewährleisten, setzt diva-e das innovative FirstSpirit Hybrid Headless CMS erfolgreich ein.


Development of a full-responsive website

With a state-of-the-art website in a user-centered design the Talanx Group guarantees an individual and transparent presence vis-à-vis investors, analysts, journalists and potential applicants. The full-responsive website implemented by diva-e and the use of state-of-the-art IT solutions ensure improved performance, optimized SEO ranking and an individualized user experience.

"For the relaunch of our corporate website and the new career portal, diva-e was our first choice: As a Transactional Experience Partner, diva-e offers fully managed digital solutions from one source. We were also convinced by the Premier partnership with CMS specialist e-Spirit and the use of the latest technologies. What's more, the extensive experience in the insurance industry that both partners bring to the table has had a consistently positive effect on the course of the project."
Manuel GrudlTALANX AG | Project Manager and Digital Media Manager
Partner in the project