Porträt von Dr. Jasmina Hasanbegovic

Dr Jasmina Hasanbegovic

About the author

Dr. Jasmina Hasanbegovic, who holds a doctorate in business education from the University of St. Gallen, an M.A. in information science and a degree in educational science, combines the worlds of technology and psychology/education to get to the bottom of technology-supported HR trends and innovations. She has more than 20 years of management experience in leading HR positions in international, customer-centric companies. Her interdisciplinary view of topics related to the digitalization of the HR value chain, which interacts through theory and practice, enables well-founded initiatives for the implementation of employee and management development. As a renowned expert for transformation and cultural change, she calls for the empowerment of employees for a customer-centric and seamless, integrative customer experience and thus the reflection of all measures for customer centricity for the employees of an organization.

Dr Jasmina Hasanbegovic Articles

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Omnichannel  | 24 May 2023
Developing and promoting omnichannel excellence in organizations through employee experience
The interest in designing new customer experiences today goes beyond the demarcation of areas of conflict and includes the harmonization of all communication and distribution channels as part of an omnichannel excellence strategy. However, the design and realization of these customer encounters is not yet illustrated in the form of scenarios, which are presented as self-contained work and learning sequences in the form of structural and process organizations of concrete customer experiences and can therefore be used as an experimental and learning environment for employees. This article therefore explores the question of which HR measures are needed to implement omnichannel excellence in an organization in the long term and to orchestrate the "unique" customer experience across all channels.
Porträt von Dr. Jasmina Hasanbegovic
Dr Jasmina Hasanbegovic