Reach milestones faster with digital marketing

Digital Marketing Proof of Concept

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Significantly improve your proof of concept

New product development is resource intensive. Especially when it comes to larger digital projects. And yet: If your own business model is increasingly reaching its limits, there is no way around a time-consuming and money-consuming new development.

Growing visitor numbers, new needs of the target group or changes in the product range, for example, make it necessary to develop an individual store platform that goes beyond the standards of Shopify or WooCommerce stores. The problem: If the result does not meet expectations, the massive development effort was in vain. As a result, the entire company can end up in a financial mess. A scenario that you can easily avoid with consistent hypothesis testing on a broad data basis.

Contact your contact Christian Rainer now and learn how digital marketing can significantly improve your proof of concept!

Reduce investment risks. Promote innovation

The more resource-intensive the platform development, the greater the investment risk. After all, the store platform is based on assumptions and decisions that may ultimately turn out to be wrong. In the worst case, the developed platform fails to meet user expectations and the conversion rate plummets.

Because basic functional limitations become apparent too late. Because the user interface does not meet the actual needs of the target group and thus the user experience is clouded. Or simply because people like to rely on the tried and tested - and prefer to migrate to the familiar store platform of the competition if changes are too great.

In such a case, considerable resources would be wasted without countervalue, which can quickly become an existential threat to the business model. A so-called proof of concept (PoC), which divides the path to market maturity into "milestones" to be achieved step by step, is intended to prevent precisely this.

Reaching milestones faster with paid advertising

The PoC process benefits considerably from digital marketing. Paid advertising methods allow hypotheses to be tested at an early stage - for example, with regard to user acceptance.

An appropriate test design based on digital marketing allows timely validation of assumptions made - and thus accelerates the implementation of a so-called MVP (Minimum Viable Product).

This "minimum viable product" allows additional user feedback to be gathered via further ads and the developed platform to be brought to market more quickly. Our team of paid advertising experts supports you in optimizing your PoC with sound technical know-how, efficient use of data and a keen sense of your target group.

Hypothesis validation: This is how our experts proceed

Displays help you to test hypotheses at every stage of product development and to revise them if necessary. In this way, you reduce investment risks and achieve the desired result much faster. This is how a collaboration could work:

1. Understanding the target group

In close cooperation with your team, we first create hypotheses about your target groups - based on personas and in accordance with the Digital Empathy Framework. You will learn about the behavior of your target group via played content or ads and can make important, data-supported statements about their purchasing decisions. Now your development team has the basis for the further conception of an MVP.

2. Placing an ad

Subsequently, the hypotheses established regarding user interaction with the planned platform can be tested. To do this, our paid advertising experts place ads again and reach your target group without wastage on the channels they prefer to use. Via the ads placed, we direct your preferred target group to the test page to check the concept of your MVP.

3. Hypothesis validation

We use modern tools to observe the behavior of users. After collecting sufficient data, we can make reliable statements about whether the hypotheses are correct or need to be adjusted. The end result is a finished product that strikes a chord with your target group.

4. Paid Advertising & ROI-Optimization

If you wish, our experts can then support you in performance marketing so that you can exploit the maximum potential of the platform you have developed. Depending on the profile of your target group segments, we advertise on precisely those platforms that promise the greatest return on investment (ROI).

  • 1. Understanding the target group
  • 2. Placing an ad
  • 3. Hypothesis validation
  • 4. Paid Advertising & ROI-Optimization

In short: With ads optimized by our experts, you will reach the next milestone quickly and with low risk and develop a promising product for rapid growth!

Contact us at any time and without obligation if we can tell you more about proof of concept in digital marketing!

Proof of concept
Specifically predicting the success of a business idea

Proof of Concept in Digital Marketing

Proof of concept

"No [business] plan survives first contact with customers."  We don't really need more than this quote from Steve Blank to highlight the need for a proof of concept (PoC) in the business environment. But to make it even clearer: What would our mobility look like today if we had strapped roller skates to horses instead of developing the Ford Model T?

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