Tracking and analytics as the basis of your data strategy

Privacy compliant tracking

for optimal customer approach

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for optimal customer approach

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Tracking the path of prospects or customers across online and offline channels with pinpoint accuracy is a major challenge in marketing. The Customer Journey Tracking of intelliAd Suite offers you a variety of individually adjustable options.

How do I create a privacy-compliant customer journey from my customers?

Today, all tracking processes and tools for data collection must comply with the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation, or EU GDPR for short. But how can tracking providers guarantee you that user data collection is truly EU-DSGVO compliant (even with cookies)? In fact, this continues to be a major challenge for many providers.

What are the touchpoints in the customer journey?

This question, which at first glance appears to be quite simple, is actually somewhat more complex - but it is necessary in order to establish comprehensive and targeted customer journey tracking.

A list of all touchpoints used looks different from company to company. There are differences depending on the business model, industry, campaign and other factors. As a rule, touchpoints in e-commerce include:

  • Direct Traffic

  • Search Engines

  • Banner

  • Affiliate

  • social media

  • Google Ads

  • Newsletter

  • and much more.

The likelihood is quite high that you are using the majority of these touchpoints and generating traffic through them. However, it also turns out that touchpoints such as social media or search engines can be subdivided even further. In any case, the collection of all data at all touchpoints is essential.

Customer journey (tracking) does not only take place online

The above example touchpoints have one thing in common: they are online touchpoints. But many companies also interact with customers offline. This does not only mean retail stores. Offline touchpoints are also, for example:

  • Telephone

  • TV

  • Direct mail

These touchpoints can also be integrated into the customer journey tracking. This helps you to analyze how online and offline channels interact with each other and how they can be linked even better.

A holistic customer journey tracking ideally takes both online and offline channels into account.

7 steps to successful customer journey tracking

In most companies, tracking runs parallel to each other and often in different departments. Thanks to the interfaces (APIs) offered by most tools, analytics data from the website, social media channels, ad partners and co. can be integrated.

On your own website, of course, you want to generate particularly valid data; after all, you have full technical control over the system here. A customer journey tracking or web analytics tool uses a custom tracking pixel that you embed on your website. This way, you find out where users came from and how they interact with your website.

The definition is necessary in two respects: On the one hand, you must technically integrate the conversion tracking with a conversion pixel in the tool. On the other hand, you also have to define for yourself what constitutes a conversion. This is not always the purchase of a product. The subscription of customers to a newsletter or the download of a white paper can also be evaluated and tracked as a conversion.

Advertising budgets should of course be set up as cost-efficiently as possible. Provided that you provide the target URL of your advertising media with a tracking link, certain parameters of the advertising network are forwarded to the Trackintg tool, which allow you to better evaluate your advertising measures.

If you only focus on the click, you miss out on previous user contacts. Ad views are also important. Often the final click happens because your banner has already been seen several times and the brand has anchored itself in the minds of the users. Long-term effects of advertising media can thus be better compared and optimized.

If you focus user tracking only on the online world, you're missing a lot of important data. The more channels you include in your customer journey tracking, the clearer your analyses can be. Channels such as the telephone hotline or beacons in physical stores help to get an even better picture of your customers and how they interact with your brand. The impact of TV advertising can also be included in decision-making processes in this way.

Clicks and conversions are nice, but they alone do not help to decide on the success of advertising measures. Finally, there is the question of how click prices and, above all, possible cancellations of physical products reduce the ROI. You should include these values in your customer journey tracking - this way, advertising channels and measures can be evaluated even better.

Accurate customer insights for more effective marketing

Marketing by gut feeling is not a promising strategy in today's world. It is highly likely that you already have enough data to make informed marketing decisions. Customer journey tracking helps you to bundle and evaluate this data and make cost-efficient decisions.

And so it goes on ...

Request your demo version today! We will also be happy to advise you personally and clarify any open questions.

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