Content Seeding

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Content seeding or outreach marketing is the targeted distribution of content in the native environment of your target group. For us, seeding always means a mix of measures tailored to the previously defined target group segments, KPIs and campaign goals. Through influencer marketing (for example, blogger cooperation or social media accompaniment), we can place your messages in line with the brand and drive organic growth in backlinks. In addition, we use digital PR measures and native advertising to reach the largest possible audience in their natural information world. Seeding actions are immediate measures that are applied to specific target groups.

We develop customized concepts for you to place your first-class online content where your target group actually searches and browses! diva-e is your strong partner for the implementation of all outreach marketing measures!

We use content seeding profitably for your company

The basics for efficient seeding are fast and platform-independent pages (pagespeed & responsive design), brand-compliant, unique content offers to your target group as well as a coherent concept for internal linking (information architecture). But even the best and most exciting content doesn't spread by itself or get shared virally without an initiative impulse.  We specifically look for thematically relevant multipliers, who in turn use their networks to make the content visible. In addition to the immediate seeding measures - PR measures and social media campaigns and paid advertising - offpage optimization (link hygiene and 404 broken links) should be controlled out in a flanking manner.

Use outreach marketing correctly

Even before publication, content should be aligned with the needs of the target audience to increase the chances that customer engagement will increase, content will be shared and picked up by the media.  There is a wide range of formats to choose from. But be careful, not every content is suitable for every target group. We analyze whether e-books or whitepapers are more appealing to the customer or perhaps the interview with the expert.

Overview of formats:

  • E-books and whitepapers 

  • Infographics and studies 

  • Interviews with interesting personalities 

  • Podcasts 

  • Photo series and image portfolios 

  • Videos and tools 

Just as important as the content are the different channels for seeding, as well as the timing of the measures to each other and a consistent approach and corporate identity (CI).

Owned media and connections - using your own channels  

Use the company's own website, social media channels or newsletters synergies for internal business contacts and expand cooperation

Paid media - from influencer marketing to advertorials Online collaborations with influencers or industry blogs.  

Social media ads to extend the campaign Banner ads provide reach Targeted email marketing Regional and local media for ads Buy references in magazines and trade journals Generate follow/like/comment with sweepstakes

Earned media - target group-specific telephone and e-mail marketing 

Targeted distribution of press releases Creating guest posts (e.g. for podcast or at events) Use of public comment functions, especially under thematically relevant posts "Guerilla Marketing

Offpage effects are an important indicator for Google to rank relevant content as particularly valuable in the competition. Seeding effects, in turn, increase the brand interactions of your target group. A perfect interplay.

It is important to our experts to develop the right campaign strategy for each customer in order to achieve a measurable impact right from the start - be it through a traffic boost, an optimized conversion rate or a noticeably higher reputation of your brand.

Seeding measures are equally useful for customers from the B2C and B2B segments in order to prominently display high-quality SEO content. Because only content that is noticed and used is profitable.

The next steps ...

Talk to us about your options in the area of seeding strategy. We will be happy to advise you on strategy, measures and implementation. Free of charge, of course.

We also explain more about Offpage in our Offpage SEO Workshop. We teach you the basics of Offpage SEO and design the workshop individually according to your needs.