Content Audit by diva-e

The professional content inventory for your perfect brand presence

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The professional content inventory for your perfect brand presence

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Analysis and optimization with the diva-e SEO Content Audit

We use a content audit to determine the strengths and potential of your online presence. Website by website. We explain in detail and comprehensibly how you can ensure a first-class user experience and address your target group more successfully. For this purpose, we develop editorial and SEO-driven quick wins that you can easily implement and immediately achieve a noticeable effect.

What is a content audit?

A content audit can be compared to an inventory or an auto-inspection. Both images are consistent. Like an inventory, content and SEO experts determine the quantitative status of your domain, directories, and landing pages. Are there enough content offers to fully play on your core topic and build trust? And just like an inspection, the qualitative status quo is checked: Are the pages implemented in a Google-compliant manner, do the address and image elements fit the target group? Do users find the interaction offers they need to convert? How high is the bounce rate? These are everyday questions that our SEO and content specialists answer as part of an inventory. For example, after a successful pitch. Gladly for you too!

Content Audit explained in three minutes

The four building blocks of content audit from diva-e

A content audit must necessarily follow a sensible structure, otherwise it just collects random "tops" and "downs" of your website and is rather worthless for your business goals. Content audits by diva-e put your content through its paces in four categories:

  • SEO-relevant factors in content: (almost) every website should be entered into the race for searchers' favor with a specific goal: "rank 1" for the most relevant keyword. However, a top ranking is only possible if the pages follow the recommended Google guidelines - from A like "Anchor texts" to W like "Web Vitals". Of course, we check and evaluate ranking-relevant factors such as metadata (browser title and metadescription) in terms of length, keyword and brand placement, plus markups such as correct headline markup, existing or missing image alt attributes and numerous other hygiene factors in the HTML code. In the next step, we research the proof keywords required for your topic and count through: Are all of them in? Which ones are missing? How should you rewrite titles and headlines, if necessary, to send stronger signals to Google? Which W-questions should you answer on the page to best meet search intent? We take a close look at errors and omissions - and of course provide "best practice" examples for successful content management! We are supporters, not teachers.

  • Quality editorial factors: More than 30 passionate copywriters work in diva-e's content team. What unites them all: They hate typos, bad style, linguistic inaccuracies or used metaphors. That's why they take a red pen to find them. And at the same time, they also check whether the address fits the target group, whether you argue comprehensibly, and whether you earn enough sympathy points from your audience between the lines. We summarize the results of the SEO content audit in a compact way and explain in detail what we would rewrite, why we do it and what effect it has on your target group.

  • Quantitative editorial factors: Size does matter. This is true at least for content hubs and when it's important to you to cover as much content and issues related to your core topic as possible. So let's look with a magnifying glass: Which topics and elements are still missing on the relevant entry pages? What additional content per landing page is required to best reflect user intent and increase dwell time? These are questions that we answer in detail. But we also look for the blind spots in your topic map: In which relevant topic areas are you as a brand not yet visible at all, leaving the traffic to your competitors?

  • Usability and conversion drivers: You want your users to convert, to go from visitors to customers. And with the help of an audit, we identify the hurdles (conversion blockers) that are currently still preventing or making this difficult. Of course, we keep an eye on the wording and placement of the "call-to-action" elements during our analysis. But also the attractiveness of the page, the text-image ratio, the embedding of rich media content such as videos and infographics where it increases the user's willingness to interact. Last, but not least, we develop a concept for the optimal internal linking (control link juice). This is relevant for the user and is also important for Google in order to understand the context of the content.

Results of a diva-e content audit

After the research and analysis work, we will prepare the results of the content audit for you as a presentation and discuss them with you in a meeting or workshop. We will make four basic recommendations:

Content Refresh: This is the most common case. You already have landing pages on your core topics, but they should be revised and expanded in terms of SEO factors, target group appeal, information density, word count or usability. We call this "content refinement". We would be happy to present our action plan for this in detail.

Content Rebuild: A rebuild is always necessary if the existing pages for the most important keywords do not take into account the rules of the game from SEO and content marketing at all, or if there are no pages at all. Don't worry, a rebuild concept can often be successfully implemented in a few weeks, because usually only the connecting links are missing - just like in a chain. Our job is to find these links, "forge" them, and implement them with precision.

Content separation is recommended if the traffic of your domain is concentrated on a few entry pages and these in turn serve a variety of different primary keywords. Separation means "dividing" or "segmenting". Working out the different keyword targets very precisely and supplementing the existing pages with additional, thematically focused landing pages offers you two advantages at once: firstly, more attention by Google for your core topic and thus better rankings. Second, you increase the chances that users will immediately find what they are actually looking for and, with a first-class brand experience in mind, prefer your offers in the future.

Content accumulation: old, grown domains usually have a large number of content offers on one and the same topic, for example in the guide hub and on the blog pages of a subdomain. Here, there is a risk of multiple rankings and keyword cannibalization. The solution would be to bundle the advice expertise on a high-traffic landing page to send stronger signals to Google and stringently guide the user. Canonical tags and also the de-indexing of unneeded pages can help here if necessary. But that would be the second step. First, we would use content optimization to bring out the thematic focus of each web page more strongly, so that Google and your visitors can keep their bearings at all times.

Technical SEO content audit by diva-e

You want a technically driven content audit that puts SEO factors in the foreground and is especially oriented towards performance metrics ? No problem!

What does a data-driven content audit include from a technical SEO perspective?

  • Ranking Overview

  • Duplicate Content Analysis

  • Keyword gap analysis & potentials

  • Keyword potentials for existing rankings

Status quo: Ranking overview of existing website content

In a more technical approach, the first step is to take stock and determine the status quo of your website. For this purpose, a content inventory is also carried out first. What content already exists? What rankings are already in place? Which relevant keywords are already covered? This is summarized in a corresponding Ranking Overview and serves as the basis for further analyses.

Identify duplicate content & perform Panda Site Clinic

Next, a duplicate content analysis is performed. This identifies pages that do not have a clear keyword focus and may cannibalize each other in the search results. Merging such content offers a good chance to achieve significant improvements in the ranking. This is because the search engine understands which page can provide the user with clear added value for their search intent and covers all relevant content. A clear main keyword per page and a clear focus or separation of topics on different URLs is crucial to protect both user and search engine from confusion. A Panda Site Clinic helps to identify pages that do not add any value as they do not get rankings or dilute the content of the website. Thus, traffic/turnover/trust etc. is also lost. These should be checked and - if reasonable - removed from the index to focus on the performing pages. Here, of course, we must consider factors such as internal linking, insofar as pages are removed altogether.

Data-driven keyword gap analysis & potential determination

Furthermore, a keyword gap analysis is performed to identify unused potential. For this purpose, we identify and analyze topics that match your brand, which are currently not covered by the content and offer high search volume and user interest. For this purpose, the competitive environment is examined and new areas are developed. This is done with the help of various SEO tools, which offer a very extensive database for analysis. The result includes a detailed keyword research, which shows the unused topic or content potential sorted by priority. This analysis can be used directly as a basis for further content creation or content expansion.

Uncovering keyword potential for existing rankings

Especially keywords that already rank on page 1 or 2 in Google search hits usually require less optimization for better results. Accordingly, it makes sense to pick up so-called "low hanging fruits" and to push existing rankings further through targeted content improvements. In this context, problems with multiple rankings for a specific keyword as well as keyword cannibalizations are highlighted. Fixing such blockers can lead to significant ranking improvements. Turning existing rankings into stable search results on the first results page is the primary goal here. These potentials are also sorted by priority based on search volume, combined with the probability of a stable top 10 ranking, and all data is clearly presented.

The next steps ...

Our diva-e specialists in SEO content audit, Amelie Heinz and Christiane Kunisch, look forward to your call or e-mail.

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