Our Partner


Bloomreach Experience Cloud & Bloomreach CDP

With the Bloomreach Experience Cloud to holistic digital success

Bloomreach offers its customers a flexible and, above all, holistic digital experience platform that combines content and commerce functions. As a leading international platinum partner, diva-e uses the Bloomreach Experience Cloud (brX) to create first-class customer experiences. The fusion of content and commerce, supported by AI-driven search software, makes the Bloomreach Experience Cloud an efficient tool in online business.

Bloomreach CDP (formerly Exponea) - Customized Customer Data Platform with diva-e.

The number of relevant marketing channels has been increasing rapidly in recent years. The data collected about your users creates the basis for making your marketing more targeted. But to do this, the data must first be consolidated, structured and analyzed. A Customer Data Platform (CDP) from our partner Bloomreach provides a remedy - and we take care of the custom-fit implementation.

Key facts about our partnership with Bloomreach


Years of intensive cooperation


Successfully implemented projects


Bloomreach experts at the top level, including 31 certified developers

Bloomreach Experience Cloud

The focus of the technology partnership between diva-e and the software manufacturer Bloomreach is the convincing user experience. The intensive and long-standing collaboration between the two digital experts creates solutions that enable customers to conquer online business. For the numerous successful projects with well-known customers, diva-e received the platinum partnership within a very short time. With the most Bloomreach developers worldwide, diva-e has extensive Bloomreach content expertise. The excellent product knowledge is the basis with which the diva-e experts always find the best solution from the customer's point of view in every project situation.

Bloomreach is used to power some of the largest e-commerce websites in the world and handles the most requests per second (QPS) compared to other providers on the market. Bloomreach technology leads the way in terms of reliability, especially during peak hours. Bloomreach Search and Merchandising (brSM) also has the highest standards for data and feed processing, scalability and security. Capable of processing large and complex catalogs, brXM has a robust infrastructure that is a global leader.

Two functions from a single digital hand

The Bloomreach Experience Cloud

The Bloomreach Experience Cloud (brX) enables the best possible e-commerce experiences for B2B and B2C. It is the leading solution to combine a modern API-first and "headless" solution with intelligent personalization and optimization technology. As a result, it is possible to provide users and customers with relevant, contextual and consistent product and content experiences across all websites, apps and other interaction points.

"Headless" e-commerce is the future

brX enables a headless strategy with contemporary API-first architecture so you can innovate and respond quickly to market changes and evolving customer expectations. Use intuitive marketing and merchandising tools to intelligently optimize customer experiences and extend them with industry-leading search capabilities - creating exceptional experiences that help grow your business.

The difference between Headless Experience Cloud and Headless CMS.

Content and e-commerce solutions with "headless" architecture solve a variety of problems. They enable fast test-deployment-release cycles and allow developers to work with a modern, lightweight front-end like React or Angular. But gaps remain that need to be identified and understood if your websites and applications are to generate more revenue.

The brX offers all the benefits of a headless CMS plus powerful marketing and merchant tools like preview, in-line editing, AI-based search, personalization, optimization and A/B/n testing. Furthermore, Bloomreach Experience Cloud enables the design of unique user experiences so businesses can grow and innovate faster.

The Bloomreach Experience Cloud (brX) delivers a combination of the benefits of the Bloomreach Search and Merchandising (brSM) and Bloomreach Content products. Bloomreach Search and Merchandising has established itself as an industry-leading, AI-driven search, SEO and product merchandising tool.

Personalized shopping experience

The Bloomreach Experience Cloud includes everything you need to deliver a personalized, digital shopping experience to every customer with Bloomreach Search & Merchandising (brSM) and Bloomreach Content.

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Bloomreach Search & Merchandising (brSM)

brSM is the leading AI-powered website search. It increases your revenue opportunities as well as your website traffic and conversion rate.

Cross-device search & merch - detection makes it possible to provide website users with a customized, personalized search and navigation experience.

brSM provides a set of algorithms and advanced merchandising tools to optimize each visitor's search, navigation and overall website experience. To further specify the product grid, your brXM is constantly learning thanks to machine learning and user behavior analysis.

Help visitors find your products quickly

Thanks to the brSM, products can be found faster

Semantic search

To serve up accurate search results, brSM uses natural language processing, advanced attribute extraction, and data from past website visitor behavior. Artificial intelligence also supports finding the most relevant products for users.

1:1 Personalization

brSM analyzes the preferences of your customers in real time and can therefore adapt the results accordingly in the shortest possible time. Irrelevant search results or overload due to a too large and unspecific product selection are thus a thing of the past.

Customizable algorithm

To seamlessly align brSM with your online structure and business goals, the search algorithm is customizable to your KPIs and data such as profit margin, sales and returns data. You can also control ranking rules or attributes to narrow down search results.

Generate more traffic for your website

Increase organic search traffic

Using Bloomreach SEO (brSEO), Bloomreach indexes all website content to analyze the search and buying behavior of your relevant target audience. This allows you to optimize the content on your website, fill content gaps, and promote products so that you are found more often organically.

Improved findability

With the help of brSM, you can optimize the link structure on your website to ensure better findability of your website and products. In terms of your customers' organic searches, you can additionally add crawlable content on certain pages to increase relevance and also increase your chance of making more sales.

Characteristic of brSM are:

  • Semantic search that delivers accurate results.

  • Search algorithms that are adapted to the business goal

All touchpoints at a glance

The number of (digital) interaction points is limitless. You need to be able to respond quickly and be everywhere your customers are. But at the same time, the content, feel and logic of your website need consistency. Bloomreach Digital Experience Platform APIs make this possible, allowing you to play out raw data, once written, at every touchpoint in a customized and structured way.

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Bloomreach Content

Bloomreach Content is an open and flexible CMS designed for developers and marketers. As an original headless CMS, Bloomreach Content allows developers to quickly create and integrate with systems. While it is designed for speed, it also offers best-in-class personalization and channel management features for marketers to improve results.

Flexibility thanks to "headless" architecture

Manage all possible touchpoints

From mobile to TV to stadium screens to non-existent screens, Bloomreach Content helps you create and control any touchpoint.

Single page web applications designed specifically for marketers

Bloomreach Content offers the best of both worlds for developers and marketers. Integrate SPAs with the CMS and take advantage of features like built-in CMS preview, drag and drop, and in-context editing.

Customizable REST APIs

Go beyond the pre-built standard connectors of a software-as-a-service CMS. Leverage existing tools and data to secure future technology investments.

Highly scalable architecture

As a PaaS, Bloomreach Content is designed for highly scalable architectures. If needed, you can add more capacity in minutes with just a few clicks to safely handle peak loads or large event-driven customer demand.

Zero-downtime deployment

Implement changes without interrupting ongoing operations. Bloomreach Content's system architecture has zero downtime, is designed for high-performance environments, and can therefore ensure the highest levels of data security and system availability at all times.

Personalize the user experience of your website visitors

Omnichannel Personalization in Bloomreach Content

Personalize all content and services across all touchpoints - including "headless" use cases such as single-page web applications (SPAs) and connected devices.

Dynamic targeting

Combine your customer data with analyzed user data to improve your customers' user experience. Leverage data based on devices, locations, product inventory, CRM data, search times, or even weather, among others.


By choosing Bloomreach Content and the Java CMS behind it, you have a powerful tool to develop exactly the web content you need. Open and extensible APIs are available at all layers of the architecture to seamlessly integrate Bloomreach Content into your existing application architecture.

Characteristics of Bloomreach Content are:

  • Open and flexible content management system

  • A strong platform for headless architectures

  • Integration of a single page application and customizable REST APIs

  • A highly scalable architecture through cloud hosting

  • Zero downtime

  • Privacy by Design in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation

    The strength of the entire Bloomreach platform lies in its ability to seamlessly fit into an existing environment through integration, unrivaled flexibility, full multichannel and machine learning personalization, and relevance.

State-of-the-art cloud technology

As a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) with a highly scalable architecture, the Bloomreach Experience Cloud's main advantage is the flexibility to deliver content anywhere in the world - on any device - regardless of existing infrastructure.

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Benefits of the Bloomreach Experience Cloud (brX)

  • Addressing target groups: personalization for content and commerce

  • Cloud or on premise: suitable operating scenarios for every use case

  • E-commerce integration: rapid project implementation through the use of commerce accelerators for the major commerce platforms (such as SAP Commerce Cloud, Salesforce Commerce Cloud and Spryker)

    Not only diva-e's digital experts appreciate the benefits of the Experience Cloud - Bloomreach is also named as a visionary in the Gartner Quadrant.

Bloomreach CDP (formerly Exponea)

It has become clear that a strict separation of online and offline is neither sensible nor practicable. Both "worlds" are closely intertwined. Marketing measures should therefore be holistically coordinated with both areas. However, it is precisely this linking of the different channels that becomes a challenge when collecting data, as different tracking solutions are used in each case that do not communicate with each other.

Bloomreach therefore offers the possibility to integrate and link numerous online and offline sources. This results in a better overall picture of truly all marketing efforts.

Bildschirmfoto vom Exponea Backendsystem mit einer Produktübersicht und Bestellungseingang.

How do I use the collected data

Thanks to extensive automation, Bloomreach can independently discover new data and enrich existing user profiles. Once the data sets are merged in the CDP, they can be used profitably. With the Bloomreach CDP, you only need one software solution: it not only collects data, but also offers functions to generate new customers, increase conversions and build customer loyalty. In addition, Bloomreach allows you to integrate third-party tools for additional functionality.

Experience in B2B & B2C

Bloomreach offers established solutions for all markets and especially through the affiliation with Bloomreach many interesting options for companies. It is irrelevant for this Customer Data Platform whether you are in B2B or B2C business. The CDP can be further customized and individualized according to your own wishes and is already prepared for the future integration of new tools.

Bildschirmfoto vom Exponea Backendsystem.

About Bloomreach's (formerly Exponea) new Customer Data Platform.

We help e-commerce businesses turn visitors into loyal customers and create exceptional customer experiences through relevant as well as consistent communications that have a long-term and highly positive impact on your customer relationships. Bloomreach, provides an end-to-end Customer Data Platform that combines advanced customer data analytics with omni-channel campaign execution. This not only enables deeper customer understanding, but also allows you to set up and play out highly personalized campaigns to individual target customers across their preferred channels. The platform maximizes revenue and optimizes branding spend by reaching the right customer, with the right message, at the right time.

Learn more at www.bloomreach.com

diva-e Data Business Competencies

Our specialists at diva-e offer comprehensive expertise in the areas of data business, operations and software. We accompany you from the decision to the operation of your customer data platform: With our data and tech know-how, we already support you in the collection of the essential use cases for you and in the process of technology selection. Our implementation experts take over the adaptation to your exact requirements.

What can a Customer Data Platform (CDP) do?

Data is still used far too little in a targeted manner to improve the business result and the customer experience. The number of touchpoints is growing rapidly, so the corresponding background data must be processed quickly to meet the enormous increase in customer expectations. A Customer Data Platform accelerates these processes. A Customer Data Platform is a database software that creates persistent and consistent records of customer data and attributes and uses them to derive complete and individual customer images. To do this, the CDP collects first-party customer data (transactional, behavioral, and demographic) from a variety of sources and systems and links this information to customers who have provided the data.

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