diva-e SEO Agentur Lupen Grafik
We bring your website up to the latest technical standard

SEO Site Audit

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Why is an SEO site audit worth it?

As one of the largest and most established SEO agencies in Germany, we have been effectively analyzing and optimizing websites from almost all industries, B2C and B2B, for over 15 years - so that you can find the customers you are looking for!

We analyze your website and even the best SEO and content measures are of little help if your website is not technologically up to date with the requirements of Google and other search engines. In other words: If Google cannot "read" and understand your website, you cannot be found - or only to a limited extent.

Through a precise analysis of your current technological state, we determine all technical requirements that are necessary as a basis for any further SEO optimization or SEO content measures. In addition to technological deficiencies or optimization potential, we also identify all relevant aspects for an optimal search engine ranking. This includes, for example, ranking factors such as loading times, core web vitals values and other factors that can be directly remedied technologically - but also SEO potential with regard to meta titles and meta descriptions, markup structure, structured data, accessibility, weaknesses in your information architecture or page structure, weaknesses in keywordings, problems with pagers, navigation, anchor texts, backlinks and many other currently known ranking factors.

We then compile the collected findings of the SEO site audit into a catalog of measures. In the next step, we prioritize the upcoming tasks together with you according to your capacities and objectives. Here, we specifically address the respective optimization potentials of individual measures and clearly present the respective scope as well as the relevance for your website and your company.

In this way, a catalog of measures is created, which we break down into individual tasks (gladly also in the form of Jira tickets) and plan and implement either together with your internal development team or with our experienced SEO-Tech colleagues from our development department in the front and/or back end of your website!

But that's not all! As part of a diva-e SEO pitch, we go into the preliminary work and create an SEO quick check or a small SEO site audit, which serves as the basis for a successful SEO strategy and collaboration.

OneProSEO Tools

SEO Check To Go: Choose your desired package now

OneProSEO Tools

Three package sizes, one team of experts

Get started right away with the technical SE optimization of your website - with our three site audit package offers: From S to L, you have the choice of how intensive your immediate measures should be to sustainably improve the visibility of your website. Undecided which choice is right for you? Our team of long-time SEO Expert:inside will be happy to advise you. Request your individual offer now!

What exactly is an SEO site audit?

Simply put: An SEO site audit by diva-e contains all currently relevant requirement points that ensure that a website technologically meets the requirements of Google and other search engines, and can be successfully captured and processed. This is a basic requirement for rankings in search engines.

One could now assume that every website project has these prerequisites. In reality, however, it often looks quite different. Due to Google's ongoing requirements towards website operators, it is not uncommon for us to identify a few weak points even in newer sites with an SEO site audit. Often these have simply been overlooked in the original planning or were initially not considered so important due to other prioritizations. At diva-e, we approach an SEO site audit in a strictly methodical, data-driven and scientific manner:

  • Crawling

    First and foremost, we crawl your website. This means that we visit your website using tools and call up every single page of your site and save them enriched with measured values and collected parameters.

  • Analysis

    During the analysis phase, the results collected in the crawl go through several steps and viewing perspectives regarding their SEO optimizability for your Google rankings. These include the following checks, among others:

In a first step, we determine the current state of your site's organic performance on Google, in other words, we check how many users find your offer via Google search and whether these visits also lead to a transaction (or another set goal).

During the HTML & Code Check, we take a close look at the code that is sent from your server to a web browser: What is the nature of the HTML as well as the embedded code? Are they structurally and semantically correct? From this, suggestions can be derived to further optimize HTML, JavaScripts and other elements of your website.

As part of this check, we examine how well Google can crawl and index your page automatically. Among other things, we identify crawling errors, 404s (pages not found), faulty redirects, pages that were manually excluded from indexing (but should be indexed), and give advice on how to fix such crawling and Google indexing errors. If required, we will be happy to assist you with the necessary measures.

As part of the SEO site audit, our diva-e content team simultaneously checks your content in the first step - for example, whether there is sufficient content on the pages, important keywords are correctly mapped, content gaps appear, duplicate content is present or pages cannibalize each other. As a rule, the identification of the first signs of content problems is followed by concrete recommendations. By means of a content audit, our editorial colleagues get to the bottom of the problem. They also evaluate qualitative aspects, such as whether the right content types are being used on your site, which content gaps need to be filled (especially with regard to your competitors), how important keywords should be optimally processed in texts, and show you further content marketing measures to narrow down and eliminate any problems.

In this step of the SEO site audit, we focus on your URL structure: We look at how the page structure is designed, whether it is logically structured and makes sense to Google and your customers or users in general, whether all pages provide the correct status codes, whether the correct keywords are correctly reflected in the URL structure and much more. If optimization of the page structure is necessary, we also support you with the technical implementation to ensure that any existing rankings are not jeopardized by a change in the URL structure. Occasionally it also happens at this point that, for example, an externally hosted blog, a subdomain or a secondary domain should be moved to the main domain. In such a case, we work out all the relevant steps for you in a separate step and support you in the implementation. In this way, we ensure that existing rankings are not lost during this page conversion and that keyword synergies are optimally utilized.

Sophisticated internal linking ensures that both visitors to your website - and Google - can intuitively find relevant additional information on your site. Ideally, a transactional optimization of the user flow is also enabled by means of defined page types and customer funnels. As part of the SEO site audit, we check, among other things, the current internal linking on your site, identify errors or "dead spots" (pages that are not linked or are linked insufficiently and are thus found less easily). In addition to these initial optimization suggestions, we recommend further measures such as SEO content, content marketing, content seeding or the creation of a thematic content hub on a situational and individual basis.

Structured data improves the machine readability of information on your website. Typical examples are addresses, contact options, but also products, company structures, branch locations, and a variety of other information that can be organized via a machine-readable data structure. This offers a lot of advantages and is rewarded by Google with improved rankings and higher visibility. We check whether there are information units that can be enhanced using Structured Markup and whether the XML-based data structure has been implemented correctly.

Optimal loading times of your website for both mobile and desktop devices are an extremely important factor for optimal SEO rankings, but also for a satisfied clientele. We put your website through its paces and identify, for example, redundant or unoptimized code elements (including JavaScripts, but also CSS design statements) and make suggestions for optimizing both code and server infrastructure. For example, images and large Java scripts can be offloaded to a Content Delivery Network (CDN). These special edge servers relieve the load on the company's own web server and deliver images and other media content to the end device much faster. This provides a number of competitive advantages, which are directly reflected in Google's rankings!

If your website is multilingual or you are planning to add one or more languages to your site, a number of technical measures and precautions must be taken. Only in this way is Google able to index the correct language version for this region in its respective country versions and play it out in the search. We check whether all the technical requirements for this are met. This includes, above all, whether the hreflang tag for marking up the current as well as other existing language versions is set correctly. In the case of deficiencies in the area of internationalization (i18n), we provide support in correcting the errors, which experience has shown can creep in very quickly, especially with the hreflang tag in combination with Canonical tags.

The mobile index has now become the benchmark for all rankings at Google. Thus, optimizations for mobile devices have reached an extremely high priority. We check your site for any errors in data delivery or rendering, identify existing "speed-breakers" or other technical mobile problems and support you in optimizing for smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.

Occasionally it happens that the technical problems do not come from the content, the CMS (content management system) or the servers, but creep in due to errors in the design template of the site. For example, it is often the case that the frontend does not contain all the necessary markup for ranking - such as missing alt tags for images (although you can set an img-alt text in the backend). Usually, these are markup errors that extend across the entire site or across all pages of a specific design template. In addition to identifying such problems, we also provide solutions on how the code in the template could be further optimized or rebuilt to avoid template errors in the future.

The offpage check provides a look beyond your own site. Which pages link to my offers? Are there any SEO-damaging links among these inbound links? What else is happening around my site? Are there social media activities or seeding measures that could have an influence on my rankings? We check all offpage aspects of your site and give understandable and practical hints and advice on how to fix offpage problems.

How does diva-e approach an SEO site audit?

With an SEO site audit, you have the choice of whether the entire domain is to be examined or only a section - for example, a selected subdomain, one or more directories. All the analyses collected in the above steps are thoroughly evaluated in terms of their SEO potential by our experts from the respective specialist areas of on-site SEO, on-page SEO, technical SEO and off-page SEO. We then group the results by area and/or cause, as well as by the impact this area will have on you.

The result of an SEO Site Audit

After the audit has been completed and the defects found have been grouped and prioritized, we compile a clear presentation of the results and discuss the identified optimization potential and recommendations for action with you. These can be derived directly into task packages and tasks - on request, you can receive these tasks in the form of an Excel list or as a CSV file for import into Jira. For larger tasks, it is also possible that you give us access to your systems and our front- and backend SEO tech specialists solve the problem for you. Alternatively, we can support and advise you in managing your own development team. We also support you in deriving and precisely defining the upcoming tasks for measures that have to be solved by a content department of editors, for example. We will also be happy to prepare these tasks for you as tickets - or task packages.

And so it goes on ...

Talk to us about an SEO Site Audit!

Contact us for a non-binding technical SEO site audit and learn how you can sustainably improve your search engine rankings as well as the visibility of your site and your offers!

Matthias Hotz is looking forward to your call or e-mail.

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diva-e begleitet Weleda seit mehreren Jahren auf dem Weg der digitalen Transformation. Als großer Meilenstein der Digitaloffensive ging im Februar 2024 der Online-Shop in Deutschland live.
diva-e creates a unique B2B ordering experience through the online platform of the global glass market leader.
FC Bayern Munich
Digital Champions League: The German championship record holder wows fans worldwide with tailor-made digital experiences.
Optimal user experience for the customer
Design and operation of the e-commerce platform based on Intershop in the Azure Cloud.
Online marketplace for groceries: We are creating an adaptable platform for the retail giant EDEKA Nord
diva-e and dmTECH set new standards in software development and digital consulting.
With over 140 experiments and the smart control of "Next Best Actions", we play out complex personalization and test campaigns.
diva-e begleitet Weleda seit mehreren Jahren auf dem Weg der digitalen Transformation. Als großer Meilenstein der Digitaloffensive ging im Februar 2024 der Online-Shop in Deutschland live.
diva-e creates a unique B2B ordering experience through the online platform of the global glass market leader.
FC Bayern Munich
Digital Champions League: The German championship record holder wows fans worldwide with tailor-made digital experiences.
Optimal user experience for the customer
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Gemüseabteilung in einem Supermarkt
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